Apology to Dave Gilmour

We are so grateful to Jay Harman of Humanism UK for pointing out our heinous mistake in misidentifying the lead guitarist of Pink Floyd, and we have corrected the error in our article “You Say Karma, We Say Avoidable Harm”

We apologise unreservedly to Dave Gilmour for the oversight with regard to these most important and obvious details. So sorry Dave.

We didn’t want to try and hide that we made this mistake, however embarrassing. Even with excruciating material, as in our documentation, fessing up to fallibility is a cornerstone sine qua non of avoiding avoidable harm.

We would also like to thank Jay Harman for considering highlighting our documentation in a post on Faith Schoolers Anonymous.

We hope that secular rationalism will eventually insist on appropriate attention to evidence in addressing high control groups/cults, in order to begin curtailing the proliferating covert, pseudo and cultish aspects.

On the 15th of October 2017, we submitted this account of fake, gate-keeping “criticism” to Faith Schoolers Anonymous:

Dear Humanists

We are submitting this research to you. We are not anonymous but we stand up and protect plenty who are including in the UK.

The manner in which the cult abuse of children and families by Steiner ed has been exploited by British Skeptics, involving even UK Humanists, is a shocking matter of public interest and we hope you will now take action.

Jay Harman responded on the 16th:

Thanks for this - it looks like a great bit of work, but I'll have a

proper read through as soon as I can and may pick out some sections to do a summary post on the website.

One thing from a quick glance, though - Dave Gilmour was in Pink Floyd, not Ian Gilmore!

Best wishes,

Jay Harman

To which we replied later that same day:

Dear Jay

Please accept our apologies for this truly terrible mistake. It’s the weirdest error and I guess we were focussed so much on the quotes in the article, making sure they were verbatim and properly attributed, that we didn’t make sure the Pink Floyd guitarist was properly named!

Please find attached a copy of the amended article. 

Everything else is correct and we have all the evidence at hand should you wish to see it to corroborate what we have described.
