Video has many advantages, not least, it is easy to find through Google.  Video is immediate and easy to shoot, you can even do it on a mobile phone quite easily.

A counter argument to video could be that it is too intimidating to use and that ordinary people will not do it perhaps especially if they are being mobbed by a community, or bullied by a school.  

Yet if such events are occurring, only the actual record of that event could begin to amount to a proper account of the state of Steiner Education.

Video is the right tool for the job.

Video has the power to cut through a lot of the smoke-screen and mirrors and just show the stark realities of how some people have been and are being treated by the Steiner/Waldorf educational movement.  Period.

Any moving image recording device will do.  This is not a video competition.  If you can shoot it, whether overtly or covertly, it will be evidence.  It is not possible to massage this kind of evidence away.  Sacking a family that does not submit to bullying will only result in the school being visible in its actions, which is as it should be.

We can arrange interviews on Skype with anyone in any part of the world, who can get in front of a computer that has Skype and a webcam.  Skype testimony can be posted along with evidence of events in and around Steiner communities to illustrate the way families can be targeted, mobbed and ostracised.  

Countless children could benefit from that action.  It could prove to be strengthening, even to a family in such distress.

We will be including on this site information about how to use Skype, and about how to create video footage of evidence that addresses the questions posed by this site, how to inform yourself about the legalities of what you are doing while you document behaviours which are only possible because they are happening in secret.

Is it really crazy to believe that the “fastest growing alternative education movement in the world” should be able to live in the light, not have to hide in the dark?

Additional Information (Updated 18-Sep-11)

Following a recent 'discussion' on the blog of a Steiner "critic", we have updated this information as follows.

Steinermentary recognises the dangers in speaking out about abuses to children's right to safety and education.  Added to that, whistleblowers also risk being further attacked by those to whom they turn for help.  

We recognise that people do not always feel that they have a choice as to whether or not to reveal their identities.  This is true for those who finally decide to remain anonymous, as it is for the kinds of people who become whistleblowers. Wherever possible we would attempt to support those choices, whether to speak out or remain unknown, using reconstructions as a last resort.

The Steinermentary project would like to make it clear however that while being prepared to help people in this way, even that is done on the understanding that the first priority is to make the behaviour of the school known which involves naming the school.

Where anonymous articles are published on the internet with no reference to an actual school, we consider those to be anecdotal stories, unattached to any actual or ongoing investigation and as such not part of evidence about any school.  We recognise that they are descriptive of possible general trends within the movement but they cannot be used to move due process and so they are not evidence.

Our priorities are therefore:

1  To publicise the behaviour of the school, including its name, so that others may know and make informed choices;

2. To protect witnesses.

In classifying something as evidence, it must come from a person who understands clearly that this evidence could be used in a court of law.

We would also make it quite clear that this service is offered for the benefit of others and not for us.  If people are able and willing to take the situation through due process, we are more than happy to simply report on the result.

This has always been the case but we hope that this will clarify any confusion.